Since 1996, the Independent School Admission Survey has helped more than 75 secondary schools ask and answer the right questions about prospective families' enrollment decisions.

What questions can ISAS answer to enhance your enrollment management strategy?

  • What school characteristics are considered most important, and how do applicants and parents rate your school on these factors?

  • What are the most widely-held images of your school?

  • What sources of information about your school are used most often and which are rated most helpful?

  • Are parents satisfied with the cost of attending your school and the financial aid you have offered?

  • Across these categories, how did parents and students rate your school compared to your top competitors? How did ratings differ between enrolling and non-enrolling families?

  • How many of your admitted students applied to, were admitted to, and enrolled at each of your top competitors?

Click here for a complete list of secondary schools that have used ISAS since its inception.